Thursday, June 8, 2017

7 Steps to Resolve a Workplace Dispute with a Co-Worker

Conflicts are an inevitable part of life, and when present in a working environment, signal that employees are engaged and interested. What is important though is how these conflicts are handled and resolved. The most important thing is to address conflict immediately and constructively, before it turns the working environment toxic.

If you have experienced a situation where you and your co-worker simply cannot get along, but it is necessary for the working relationship that you continue coordinating with that person, you might want to consider taking the following steps to de-escalate, and potentially diffuse, rising tensions-

1.     Communicate your desire to sit down and talk.  You could do this personally, or with a respectfully worded email inviting him or her to have a chat. Take it outside the office environment, if necessary.
2.     At the meeting, set the tone for a collaborative approach and accept responsibility for your part in the dispute.
3.     Ask your co-worker his views on the disputed issue. Listen actively to what he says by paraphrasing what you hear, asking questions and acknowledging his concerns. Calmly allow your colleague to vent his emotions or frustrations, because this would be the best way to uncover his/her interests. Then assertively convey your views and your interests.
4.     Reality-check the assumptions underlying both your interests.
5.     Brainstorm some creative options for meeting both your interests.
6.     Check that the options are implementable.
7.     Finally, agree on the steps going forward.

If you find it difficult to navigate the discussions by yourself, you could suggest that a 3rd party act as a mediator to facilitate the communication with your co-worker.

Contact if you would like our mediator to help you. You can take your discussions online, in a convenient, efficient and cost-effective manner.

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